Find a class near you
We are working to make yoga accessible to our Warriors all across Massachusetts.
Looking for a class in your town? Please reach out. We are always looking to find Massachusetts communities in need.
Natick, MA
AMVETS Natick Post #79
79 Superior Drive, Natick, MA 01701
Class held in upstairs hall
We are currently offering two weekly classes in Natick. A Monday night session at the Natick Community-Senior center and a Sunday morning class at AMVETS Natick. More details on the locations can be found below the schedule.
If you have issues booking, please email info@warriorwithinyoga.org
Natick Schedule
Natick Community Senior Center
117 e Central St, natick, MA 01760
Class is held on the first floor in a group fitness room. Upon entering, take a right down the hallway heading towards the large gym. Almost all the way to the end, on the left hand side, our group will meet in a small fitness/multi-purchase space.
Because we are not able to store anything, please bring your own yoga mat if possible. We will only have a few spares.
Amvets Natick Post #79
79 Superior Dr, natick, MA 01760
Classes meet in the upstairs hall which is accessible via the ramp on the side of the building.
When coming onto Superior Drive off of Speen St, continue down the road towards the FedEx building. You will see a sign on the right for Amvets; continue to follow along the parking lot, heading in the direction of the lake.
When you cross over the bike crossing for the Cochituate Rail Trail you will be in the large parking lot. Continue towards the white building where you can park.
Beginning in June, class will be held outside overlooking the lake, weather pending.
Milford, MA
NRG Lab Fitness Milford
51 Sumner St, Milford, MA 01757
New location: NRG Lab Fitness Milford
51 Sumner St, Milford, MA 01757
Thank you NRG Lab in Milford for hosting our weekly Warrior Yoga series. Please see the schedule below for up to date offerings in Milford.
If you have issues booking, please email info@warriorwithinyoga.org
Milford Schedule
Walpole, MA
Walpole Council on Aging
60 South St, Walpole MA
Walpole Council on aging
60 south St, Walpole, MA
Weekly classes meet Tuesdays 6:00pm-7:00pm with instructor and Marine mom, Mary Aplanalp. We will also host 2 Saturday pop-ups at 9am with Elizabeth Crehan on Jan 18th and Feb 15th.
Please register in advance.
Sessions are open and free to all veterans, first responders (including police, fire, corrections and EMTs) as well as their family or caretakers.
We’d like to thank 22 Mohawks, a 501c3 not for profit, for their support of our programs. 22 Mohawks is dedicated to providing physical and mental support to improve the lives of veterans, and we are so grateful to be working with them.
If you have issues booking, please email info@warriorwithinyoga.org